Document Repository

This is website is (always) a work in progress!

Latest update March 3, 2025.

I am a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Pediatrics at UCSF and a committed Unitarian Universalist.

Let me know if any of the links don't work: [email protected].

Sustainability Resources

Climate change

Overuse of Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture

Healthcare Value

Reading Medical Literature, Biostatistical Errors, etc. Resources

Resources written to help the Senior Consulting Resident in the UCSF pediatric clinic lead a monthly one-hour journal club and a teaching conference. Many residents and others have found them helpful.

Well-baby Nursery Resources

Urinary Tract Infections

Unitarian Universalist Sermons and Reflections

I am a committed Unitarian Universalist. Here are some sermons and "pulpit reflections" I've given at UU congregations, especially the Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo (UUSM). I'll probably speak at yours, if you invite me.

Nuclear Weapons

I am very concerned about nuclear proliferation, possible nuclear terrorism, and the United States' self-defeating unilateralism in dealing with these threats. If you can get together an audience, I can give a talk or lead a discussion.

Here's a 14 minute video I made for SF Bay PSR on nuclear weapons essentials, which includes the famous BB demonstration, originated by Beyond War.

I wrote Taking a Stand Against Nuclear Proliferation: The Pediatrician’s Role for Pediatrics in 2008, about the need to save the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty published and a book review of Prescription for Survival by Bernard Lown for the New England Journal of Medicine, also in 2008. I'm active in the San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility chapter and national PSR.

Here are the slides and recording of my most recent talk called "What Health Professionals Need to Know about Nuclear Weapons" for ZSFG Pediatric Grand Rounds January 2, 2024.  The "Speaker Notes" document the source of the slides and provide additional information; feel free to use any of the slides in your own talks.  Unfortunately, Zoom's noise reduction removed the sound of the BBs hitting the bucket ("original sound" next time!).  You can hear and see it better in the 14-minute video I made for PSR at the top of this section, starting at minute 7:54.

If you only have 2 minutes, you can watch this video, which appears to be by documentarian Neil Halloran. 

Nuclear weapons could be launched by accident.  Play a fun but scary game of nuclear roulette at the Union of Concerned Scientists.


Productivity Resources

Productivity files (ZIP)
Some productivity tips, some handy Stata .ado files, and statcalc.exe (an old favorite from CDC) which is a very quick and easy way to analyze 2x2 tables and estimate sample size.

Interval Likelihood ratios: If you have an ordered categorical variable and dichotomous outcome (e.g., disease y/n) the Stata ado file tablr.ado and its help file written by Juan Carlos La Guardia will generate interval likelihood ratios and their confidence intervals.  See Evidence-Based Diagnosis Book above Chapter 3. Download tablr.ado and tablr.hlp.  You need to move them to the directory where your ado files are stored.